Luminous Leaders Ltd helps individuals and organisations around the world develop and maximise their leadership effectiveness. We leverage on our unique leadership experience in various commercial and non-profit sectors to provide training, speaking and coaching solutions which help individuals and organisations grow their leadership character and competence.

 There are many people and companies out there that claim to provide some sort of business or life coaching service, however many of them don’t do what they preach, they don’t have a track record of having successfully led organisations in various sectors. At Luminous Leaders, we have leaders who have a track record of leading organisations to success in various sectors and continue to do so. We believe such experience is invaluable when it comes to helping others grow their leadership capacity.


The session was intelligently delivered, very interactive, and followed a very practical approach. Through this session, I was able to examine my organization more closely, and to ask some tough but necessary questions. I will recommend this leadership session to any company that wants to experience real growth.
— Participant
Intelligent presentation.
Very interactive.
Very practical approach to the subject of discussion.
Time well-managed.
— Participant
The Board had such as invaluable session with Luminous leaders. Sodi (in a very unique and effective way) reminded the board that discipline was not an optional virtue/trait to have amongst the leaders. The session has gotten us thinking, talking and planning strategically in ways we may not otherwise have.
— Participant
The mastermind course is a quality investment for the discerning investor. Investing in myself and dedicating the time to read, internalize and be deliberate is my desire but I must take responsibility
— Participant
The theme of the message was clear and consistent through out the entire workshops, with discussion times and examples used to underscore the core message.
— Participant
I found it very engaging and was reminded every week on how to put what I have learnt into practice.
I have learnt a lot about leadership and how to be a better leader.
— Participant
I attended one of these masterminds in January 2020. My comment then was that as a full time working mum of three young children, I had stopped dreaming.
Fast forward six months later, I am dreaming and ideas fill my mind. I would recommend this for anyone especially if you are on a career break or just want an opportunity to enhance yourself.
— Grace Toby (Internal Audit Manager)
I recommend this mastermind class for everyone. At every stage of our lives, we need to be reminded the importance of relationships and the value we place on equipping ourselves and others.
— Participant
I really learnt a lot from all that was written and from the real-life experiences shared on the group. This was a really engaging group from whom I gleaned a lot including the questions asked and the answers received. It really helped me to view relationships and teamwork in a new way and also taught me a lot about the value of equipping a team properly
— Participant
I really enjoyed being on this mastermind I learnt a lot of valuable insight on the importance of relationships and equipping for the success of a team . It was great to glean also from others’ experiences and from all they shared in response to any questions or feedback they gave from the books and questions we were asked . Wonderful!
— Participant
Hi Sodi. Thanks to the mastermind and the Lord’s favour, I gave a presentation today that surprisingly wowed the company’s senior leadership. Feedback I got was amazing
— Participant
This group has inspired me to step out and go after my dreams. Sodi is a fantastic facilitator of the group and always is thought-provoking. Thank you for making this course available I look forward to joining more in the future.
— Participant
More than just a mastermind class, this was a journey filled with so many lessons... I doubt I’d ever forget it
— Participant
I absolutely love the mastermind class and enjoyed every session. The discussion points were really inspiring and motivating; so much to learn and ponder on. It’s a life changing class that breaks down the walls of self limitation and puts you on the pedestal to fulfill your God given purpose in life with confidence and passion! The mastermind class broadened my vision, enlightened my eyes, changed my perspective and revived my passion and vigour to pursue my dreams. I’m so glad that I participated in this class because I know my life will never be the same again. Thanks to the John Maxwell team!! God bless you for the amazing work you do, touching lives and impacting the world!!
— Participant
This was an excellent training. Helpful and practical, but also took commitment. This was the perfect balance between practical learning and theoretical knowledge.
Zoom was managed brilliantly, this was a such a triumph for the host.
— Participant
It’s always an insightful time at every mastermind class but more than a class this experience taught me major life lessons... I doubt I’ll ever forget them
— Participant
It’s always a great time in every mastermind class but more than a class, this was an important life lesson and experience for me, one I hope I never forget.
— Participant
The course is well structured and follows the book. It was very interesting and I’m learning how to unlock more potential for myself. Sodi is a great facilitator; I look forward to future courses.
— Participant
It was an amazing experience with a safe space to learn and grow
— Participant
Great facilitator (Sodi), great course, great time spent, new skills learnt. I recommend this master mind to any and everyone.
— Participant
I applied the methods in the book in my personal relationships and it has been a “miracle”.
— Participant
I have a better understanding of who I am and tools to help me achieve the growth I haven’t yet reached or implemented in my life.
— Participant
Great course, good context, excellently led. ...
— Participant
Good experience and learning. My expectations for the mastermind was met
— Participant
Gaining different participants perspective on the topic was helpful and enriching
— Participant
A person of influence has faith in people. as a leader, we continue to deliver results through others and move away from the norms of ‘if you need something done, then you have to do it yourself’. I have learnt ways to instill self belief in my teams and demonstrate my faith in their ability to deliver. it is a continuous strive to be a better leader and inspire people to perform at their best. These and a lot more, I got out of the sessions. I highly recommend this leadership session to aspiring leaders.
— Participant
I have become a better father and husband. Plus a better business partner
— Participant
The industrial and family linkage to experiences shared in the group have been very helpful to my development
— Participant
The sessions are quite engaging, deeply revealing, and professionally moderated by the Luminous Team such that it offers the much needed opportunity to intentionally realign key areas of one’s life and set actionable agenda for continuous improvement.
— Bassey S. Ekpoh
The conversations were inspiring
— Participant
A very transformational session, and an opportunity to focus yourself on your personal development, away from the busy-ness that life brings. Inspirational group offers you a unique perspective to things you might already know, thereby giving you new insights. Highly recommended.
— Participant
This mastermind helped me assess where i am in my career. It also made me reignite the need to dream as it has become very easy to get stuck in the mundane things of life. Professionally facilitated and I have learnt from the cross section of participants in the group.
— Participant
The session was open and friendly
— Participant
I highly recommend him as a person but also because He is an excellent coach and teacher. Thank you for always encouraging me Sodi!
— Participant
I would recommend this for any leader that wants to improve himself and team for more productive results. As for me am not the same after the mastermind.
— Participant
It was a really great course, based on an amazing book.
— Participant
The course helped me focus on what I want to achieve & showed the strategies of how to reach them.
Helpful tools.
— Participant
I recommend this mastermind classes to those who are leading and all who wish to be a successful leader. My perspective to ventures I wish to embark on has been made clearer.
For the privilege to learn from the successes of leaders to help me turn my failures to success, I say thank you to Luminous Leaders Limited.
— Participant
The Leadership Gold online mastermind organised by Luminous Leaders was fantastic! The facilitator was extremely knowledgeable about the material, had valuable first hand industry and life experiences to create an enabling environment for the participants. I was able to learn a lot from the material and other participants. An enjoyable experience from start to finish.
— Participant
Having to hear other leaders point of view helped me understand how to deal with a situation better, it added a lot to my experience.
— Participant
It was well facilitated and very interactive with insightful lessons gleaned
— Participant
This was an awesome learning experience! The facilitator and the participants added value in every session. Very friendly and committed group!
— Participant
I was happy to be in the mastermind group because it began to position me for 2020 ahead of time. It exposed areas Areas to work on and areas to let go off. It also felt great to be in a group where the ultimate goal was personal growth. That in itself was growth . Thanks you luminous leaders for the opportunity to participate in the mastermind. I have taken a few lessons from it.
— Participant
Awesome programme and a great opportunity to kickstart and unleash your potential
— Participant
I enjoyed this mastermind from the first session to the last. Sodi is a great teacher and allowed us all to work at our own pace. It. Was a very informative mastermind that I definitely want to implement in my daily life from now on! Thank you Sodi! You are doing an amazing job!
— Participant
To keep growing join this mastermind
— Participant
The experience was enriched by the flexibility allowed, the contributions and the facilitation
— Participant
Thank u Sodi. Not feeling very good tonight but can’t miss this!
— Participant
“We sincerely appreciate you for taking the time off your busy schedule to be a resource person at our 2018 Business Retreat. Your presence and your presentation made it a wonderful and enriching experience for all the participants.

We hope that … your heart will be open to being a resource person to us again in the future.”

- Utchay Okorji Associates

 Selected Clients

  • Utchay Okorji Associates

  • Cinfores Ltd

  • Emma Wike & Partners

  • Fiberesima & Associates

  • Motunde Aladeitan & Associates